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Global Colors

Step-by-step guide for the “Global Colors” section in the Customizer menu of Aida theme:

  1. Open the Customizer:
    • To access the Customizer, go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the left-hand toolbar. Click on “Customize.”
  2. Go to the Appearance section:
    • Once the Customizer opens, look for the “Appearance” option in the left-hand menu and select it.
  3. Navigate to the Global Colors section:
    • In the Appearance menu, search for the “Global Colors” option and click on it.
  4. Adjust the colors for elements:
    • In the “Global Colors” section, you can set different colors for various elements of your theme.
    • Primary:
      • To set the primary color, input the color code (e.g., “#524EB8”) or an RGB value.
    • Secondary:
      • Follow the same process as the primary color to set the secondary color.
    • Text:
      • Set the color for text elements using the provided options.
    • Accent:
      • Similarly, adjust the accent color using the available settings.
  5. Save your changes:
    • After adjusting the colors, click on the “Save & Publish” button located at the top-right corner of the Customizer toolbar to save your changes.

With this guide, you can easily customize the colors for different elements such as primary, secondary, text, and accent in the “Global Colors” section of your WordPress theme.

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