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Blog Setting

By following these guidelines, your will be able to easily navigate and customize the different sections and options in the Customizer of Aida theme.

  1. Single Post:
    • This section allows you to customize the settings related to a single blog post.
    • You can preview a blog post, specify the position of the sidebar, set the featured color, customize the maximum width of the website, adjust content style, display content top margin, choose to show or hide post media, set the image size, display post information (date, author, comments, categories), enable tags section, display share buttons, customize the share button type and appearance, display author section, and set the comment forms cookie consent and avatar size.
  2. Single Post Title:
    • In this section, you can customize the settings related to the title of a single blog post.
    • You can preview a single post, display the title bar section, choose whether to show the post title over content, and specify the alignment of the main title in the single post content.
  3. Blog Page:
    • This section allows you to customize the settings related to the blog archive page.
    • You can preview the blog archive, choose the blog template, display featured media, set the maximum width of the website, enable auto mask for featured images, display post information (date, author, categories), select the “Read More” text for archive pages, specify the position and style of the blog sidebar, set the blog content length (summary or full content), and more.
  4. Blog Slider:
    • In this section, you can customize the settings for the blog slider.
    • You can preview the blog archive, specify whether to display the slider, choose the slider type, location, and skin, set the number of slides, exclude or include specific posts, define the start offset, order the posts by date, customize the slider image options, enable arrow navigation, adjust the space between slides, and control the looped navigation.
  5. Blog Category & tag:
    • This section allows you to customize the settings for the blog category and tag pages.
    • You can choose the category and tag page template, specify the sidebar position and style, set the content length (summary or full content), display post information (date, author, categories), and more.
  6. Single Post Typography:
    • In this section, you can customize the typography settings for a single blog post.
    • You can adjust the font styles for the post title, post content, post info, post info terms, post meta, post meta terms, subtitle, and breadcrumb. You can customize the normal and hover states for each typography element.
  7. Blog Page Appearance:
    • This section allows you to customize the appearance of the blog page.
    • You can adjust the typography settings for the post title, post info, post info terms, post content, and buttons. You can customize the normal and hover states for each typography element.

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