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Sure! Here’s a step-by-step guide for the “General Typography” section in the Customizer of your WordPress theme:

  1. Open the Customizer:🛸
    • To access the Customizer, go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the left-hand toolbar. Click on “Customize.”
  2. Go to the General section:
    • Once the Customizer opens, look for the “General” option in the left-hand menu and select it.
  3. Navigate to the General Typography section:
    • In the General section, look for the option labeled “General Typography” and click on it.
  4. Adjust the font for various elements:
    • You are now in the “General Typography” section, where you can customize font settings for different elements.
    • Normal font:
      • Set the font for normal text in the “Normal” section. This font will be used for regular text without hover effects.
    • Hover font:
      • Set the font for hover text in the “Hover” section. This font will be applied to text that changes when you hover over it.
    • Headings:
      • For each heading level such as H1, H2, H3, and H4, set the fonts in their respective sections.
      • For example, in the “Heading 1 (H1)” section, specify the font for the main page title.
  5. Save your changes:💾
    • After making the desired font adjustments, click on the “Save & Publish” button located at the top-right of the Customizer toolbar to save your changes.

With this guide, you can easily customize the font settings for normal text, hover effects, and headings in the “General Typography” section of your WordPress theme.

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